Typical Costs & Fees

Before listing the costs, Troop 1775 would like to make it perfectly clear that it has always been and will always be the philosophy of Troop 1775 that no Scout should be denied the Scouting experience due to financial difficulties, whether that’s yearly fees and dues, camping trip costs, even summer camp. If there are any concerns over finances please let the Scoutmaster or Troop Committee Chairman know and we will do whatever we can to assist, from reducing or waiving fees where we can, to partial camperships for summer camp, to finding gently used uniforms handed down from older Scouts. 

No Scout in Troop 1775 will ever be left out for financial reasons!

Collected every year in November. Covers National BSA registration, insurance and Boys Life Magazine. 

Collected every year in September. Covers running the Troop; supplies, fees, etc.

Collected week before each trip for all attending. We camp almost every month during the school year. Additional fees may be required depending on the trip (i.e. skiing, amusement parks, end of year trip, etc.)

Collected in Spring, early bird discount usually ends around May 15. Subject to change as it is determined each year by the Council.